How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips In A Week? Best Scientific-Based Exercises & Free Workout Plan
Do you have hip dips? You are not alone. Do you want to know how to get rid of hip dips in a week? Read on for 10 best hip dip exercises and scientific-based tips.
Hip dips are a common problem in many people who are overweight, over the age of 50, or have had hip replacement surgery. Hip dips can make it difficult to stand up straight and lead to chronic pain when combined with other problems like arthritis in your back or knees.
Luckily there is an easy solution! The exercises below will help you get rid of those pesky hip dips in no time- just follow them 3 times a week for 7 days!
With the right approach, it’s possible to make your hips look slimmer in just one week. You can do this by performing these 10 best hip dip exercises that are scientifically proven to tone muscles around the hips fast!
When combined with healthy eating habits, these quick fixes will have you feeling confident about your body again in no time!
If you want to know how to get rid of hip dips in a week or less, I’ve compiled 10 exercises for your hips so that they’ll be toned and flat by next week! Make sure you keep reading till the end of this post. Let’s get started!
This information is for informational purposes only and should not substitute the advice from your healthcare professional. All kinds of exercise and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur.
Table of Contents
18 Best Exercises to get rid of hip dips
As we all know working out is required to lose fat around your stomach, waistline and hips.
There are some people who don’t like going to the gym or simply cannot afford a gym membership then there are some alternatives for them which can help them out with their problem of hip dips.
You just need 5-10 minutes every day to do these simple workouts for this specific area.
1. The bicycle crunch
The bicycle crunch is an excellent exercise for eliminating fat around your waistline, which creates the illusion of toned hips. This movement also works to strengthen the muscles in your lower back, abdomen and pelvic floor.
Do more crunches It’s probably one of the most exercises for this particular purpose.
2. Curtsy lunges with shoulder extension

This exercise helps increase your ability to maintain proper posture by strengthening specific muscles that are responsible for good posture. It also has a slimming effect on the outer thighs, thereby making them appear smaller, due to this muscle activity.
It will help you to get rid of your hip dips within a week for sure.
This is one of the most effective exercises for toning your hips without putting any additional pressure on your back! It may look simple but it’s quite challenging, which gives you great results in no time.
This movement also helps maintain balance by strengthening muscles that are responsible for maintaining good posture while stimulating other parts of your body to relax and remain balanced. You can do this exercise anywhere so why not give it a shot right away?
3. Donkey kicks
Donkey kicks are great at toning your buttocks while simultaneously lengthening and tightening your hip flexors, which makes it easier to assume good posture as you’ll be standing up straighter.
4. Side plank hip dips
If you want to give your hips a lift, this is the perfect exercise for you! This movement works to tighten and strengthen muscles in your glutes and abdominals at the same time; it also adds an element of flexibility as you hold this position. You can either do it with straight legs or bent knees for a slightly easier version.
5. Trunk twists
Do this daily twice for 5 minutes for best results.
This motion targets muscles throughout the entire core region which includes both stomach and back muscles.
If combined with weight training, it provides additional stability between your spine and trunk area- which helps keep your hip alignment intact without putting too much pressure on them.
This exercise is also very beneficial for this particular purpose, do it daily and see results within a week.
6. Reverse lunges & knee tucks
Reverse lunges are great at toning your thighs and buttocks while adding flexibility to the quadriceps.
At the same time, this exercise works well to strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles, which makes it easier for you to maintain proper posture as you achieve a slimmer look all over.
A number of people complain about hip dips, so if you want to get rid of them then reverse lunges are amazing at giving the desired effects in just weeks.
7. Single leg deadlifts
This exercise is perfect for strengthening your hamstring and gluteal muscles simultaneously- both of which are responsible for hip formation. By tightening these two muscle groups, you’ll gain a perkier posterior that looks wonderful in a pair of jeans! This movement should definitely be on your list if you want those washboard abs everyone dreams about!
8. Bridge pose
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground shoulder width apart.
- Place both hands by your side then, using only your glutes, raise your body up in one straight line until you are elevated into a full bridge position.
- Hold this for 10 seconds before lowering yourself down slowly to the starting position.
- Do it 5-10 times per day to see positive results within a week!
The bridge pose not only tones your tummy but strengthens your glutes, too.
If you want to get rid of hip dips then bridge pose is always beneficial because it tones your waistline and hips simultaneously.
It is one of the most effective exercises that helps tone your waistline and hips at the same time, so what are you waiting for simply do this exercise daily twice just for 5 minutes.
9. The frog stretch
The frog stretch is the perfect exercise to build hip strength and flexibility at the same time. If you hold this position for about 3-4 minutes on each side, it will tone your hips as well as strengthen them!
It may look simple but it’s quite challenging, which gives you great results in no time. This movement also helps maintain balance by strengthening muscles that are responsible for maintaining good posture while stimulating other parts of your body to relax and remain balanced.
This exercise will help you build strength in your thighs, hips and glutes which are the perfect way to get rid of hip dips.
Exercises is the best way to make our hip dips strong & in better shape. You can find the enjoyable when doing those exercises to get rid of hip dips.
10. Rolling like a ball (superman pose)
This is extremely effective at toning your waistline without putting any additional pressure on your hips or back! You can do it virtually anywhere, which you why it’s one of the most effective and popular exercises in the world that everyone should practice to keep their hips toned and in perfect balance.
This is another great exercise that actually works and helps you get rid of hip dips in a jiffy.
11. The Basic Squat Exercise
The squat is an open-chain leg exercise that targets the gluteal muscles as well as other lower body muscles including the hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. This exercise will not only help you get rid of hip dips but also sculpt your legs. If you are new to squats then start with 2 sets of 5-10 reps at first before increasing the number over time.
12. The Advanced Squat Exercise
The advanced squat is basically same as the basic squat except it requires holding weights to target the upper portion of the glutes for maximum results.
As always, start light and increase weight gradually to avoid injury or soreness. If you begin to feel pain then stop this exercise immediately!
13. The Ball Squeeze Exercise
This exercise targets the muscles around the hips and glutes while improving your balance and stability at the same time.
Sit on an exercise ball and squeeze it tight while making sure not to rock back and forth – do 3 sets of 20 reps daily for best results.
14. The Side Plank Exercise
The side plank can be done with or without weights and it challenges not just the glutes but the entire core region.
All muscles required for balance and stability engage when performing this exercise and they all play a key role in sculpting those dips away!
This is one of the best exercises to get rid of hip dips due to its ability to strengthen not only the gluteal muscles but also the lateral muscles of the hips.
15. The Single Leg Bridge Exercise
This exercise is very effective in strengthening glutes while increasing flexibility at the same time. It may sound like child’s play but it requires great balance and stability which makes it more difficult than other hip dip exercises.
If you are looking forward to getting rid of hip dips then you MUST include this exercise in your routine!
All you need is a stable chair, couch or bench so there is no excuse not to do this workout.
16.The Clam Exercise
The clam is another advanced hip dip exercise that not only strengthens the gluteal muscles but also improves your balance and stability.
- Start by lying on your side with knees bent to 90 degrees and hips bent at 45 degrees.
- Next, lift the knee of the top leg up until it forms a straight line with the rest of your body without rotating or shifting your hips.
- Do 3 sets of 8 reps daily for best results.
17. The Bridge And Curl Exercise
This workout will help you reshape those glutes like never before if you want to get rid of hip dips fast.
It works best for women who are looking forward to flaunting their curves as well as men who want to get rid of hip dips and reduce lower belly flab for a toned midsection.
18. The Bridge And Pulse Exercise
It is the easiest but most effective hip dip workout out there. All you need is 30 minutes daily and 3-4 days per week to see visible results within a month’s time!
It works best for people with bad glute strength who find it difficult to perform basic squats, lunges or even hip dips.
To really see the difference, compare your before and after pictures to know which workout is effective in reducing hip dips fast.
Don’t forget you can always combine all exercises together for better results! Just make sure you don’t overdo it or spend extra time on a particular exercise as this will not give you desired results.
Scientific-based explanations for how these exercises work to get rid of hip dips.
These exercises are aimed at strengthening your abs, hips and lower back.
By exercising these muscles, you can improve the appearance of your waistline while also toning your hips simultaneously! Do this daily twice for 5 minutes each to get desired results in just few weeks.
These exercises can help you get rid of hip dips in a natural and healthy way that will not only make your abs and waist look toned but also take off inches from your hips to give it an athletic and curvier shape.
Hip dips are basically sagging skin around the hips which usually appears when we lose weight.
If you do these exercises regularly, they reduce the appearance of hip dips by strengthening muscles straddling both sides of the hips to take pressure off the joints so that hips appear toned and in balance.
There you have it- 10 best ways to tone your lower body while taking off several inches from your waistline and hips simultaneously!
If you want to know how to get rid of hip dips in a weekw then all you have to do is follow a workout regime for 5 minutes twice in a day.
Tips on what to do if you can’t perform certain movements or feel pain while doing them
If you feel any pain or discomfort while doing these exercises then make sure to stop the movement and chat with a trainer.
It is important to build strength gradually over time, so keep things slow and steady if you’re just starting out.
Remember that it’s not about how much weight you lift but rather that your form is perfect throughout the motion!
The most important thing is that you are feeling comfortable in your skin, which means working out shouldn’t be painful! If this happens, come back to certain moves when they become easier for you.
So there you have it folks- 10 best ways to tone your lower body while taking off several inches from your waistline and hips simultaneously!
These exercises can help you get rid of hip dips in a natural and healthy way that will not only make your abs and waist look toned but also take off inches from your hips to give it an athletic and curvier shape.
Make sure to follow them religiously for 5 minutes each daily twice in a day to feel the difference after just few weeks! Remember, no shortcuts as they say “no pain no gain”.
How long it takes for these exercises to be effective, and other factors that affect results
Depending on your body type and consistency of practicing these exercises, you can get the perfect results in just few weeks.
These exercises are so simple that you can do them anywhere even while sitting down or watching TV which means you don’t have to sweat it out at a gym and no additional equipment is required either!
The only thing that might hold you back from performing these exercises is not following a consistent regime- make sure to practice these for 5 minutes each twice every day and your desired results should be seen in just couple of weeks.
In fact, if you were looking for exercises that can help get rid of hip dips fast then this is it! Take your pick from anyone of these 10 best exercises and get going already!! Stay healthy stay fit folks!
What are hip dips?
Hip dips are basically sagging skin around the hips which usually appears when we lose weight.
It means that you have excess skin at the top of your hip bones, giving it a dip or saggy appearance.
This may affect both men and women, but this could be more visible in men due to less subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin).
Hip dips, also called as acetabular sulcus or femoral neck groove is a depression at the side of the hipbone that looks from the top view.
They are mainly considered to be aesthetically undesirable and seen in runners, weightlifters and people with musculoskeletal abnormalities. In photography, they could result in unflattering poses for your favorite model.
They usually develop when there is a loss of fat in the hips region. However, if you have hip dips without being too skinny, you can get rid of them by increasing muscle mass around hips and strengthen your core muscles.
To know how to get rid of hip dips in a week effectively, we should first understand what are hip dips, and what cause this shape. Let’s deep dive more into this problem.
What’s behind Hip Dips?
Hip dips are directly related to different skeletal features such as pelvic width (distance between both bony prominences of the hip bone) and femoral neck length.
It has also been suggested that acetabular protrusion (the ball-shaped top of the thighbone which fits into the pelvis to form the hip joint) could have an effect on hip dips.
Why are hip dips there in the first place?
Hip dips are usually caused due to sudden weight loss, aging and genetics.
As we know that our fat helps us to cushion our bones to avoid bone touching each other so when you lose fat from your body parts then this thing happens.
For example – When you lose weight at waist or arms then there is no skin left behind so it looks good, but when you lose weight around lower back, thighs or hips then it will cause saggy appearance of skin which is called as Hip Dips.
What causes hip dips? (Scientific-based Explanation)
Besides learning how to get rid of hip dips in a week, you also need to know the source of the causes of hip dips on your body, with the scientific explanation below, we will help you easily understand why you there are hip dips and from there there will be ways to improve it better.
Although the cause of hip dips is unknown, it’s likely that a combination of factors contribute to their formation. The shape and structure of your hips are determined by your genetics as well as the thickness and elasticity of your skin, muscles and ligaments.
In addition, studies have shown that weak gluteal muscles make you more prone to developing hip dips.
Gluteus maximus is responsible for keeping those fatty deposits off those prominent bones on either side of your hips so working out these muscles may help reduce the size or completely eliminate them.
Glutes development through weight training
Are Hip Dips Genetic? (Scientific-based Explanation)
The answer to this question is yes! Genetics play a significant role in determining not only the structure of your hips but also how much fat your body holds.
If you have a line of people in your family with protruding hip bones, chances are that you may inherit those features as well.
8 Healthy lifestyle that can get rid of hip dips
Besides many of exercises to get rid of hip dips, you should live in a healthy lifestyle that supports to your “good bye hip dips” goal.
We are going into top 8 tips that you could apply today to reach goal.
Tips 1 – Stretch your hip flexors regularly during workouts to improve flexibility around tight hip areas. Regular stretching of hip flexor muscles can also help reduce lower back pain associated with such fitness activities.
Tips 2- Get rid of junk food from your kitchen if you want maximum results when it comes to getting rid of hip dips . This simple tip alone will help you lose a significant amount of weight if you follow it religiously.
Tips 3 – Try out new types of workouts, classes and exercises to keep things interesting as this will help you stay motivated throughout your fitness journey. If you are bored with the same workout routine then don’t be surprised to see lackluster results!
Tips 4 – Mix up your daily diet plan to include whole grains, protein rich foods, low-fat dairy items, fruits and vegetables for effective reduction in hip dips .
Make sure you don’t go on a crash diet or starve yourself because that is not the healthy way forward when it comes to reducing gluteal muscles. A balanced diet high in fresh produce is all it takes to get rid of hip dips permanently.
Tips 5 – Avoid exercises that put a lot of stress on your joints and knees by keeping the intensity level moderate when working out.
Tips 6 – Try to sleep at least 8 hours per day for better results in reducing hip dips . Most people aren’t getting enough rest, which is why they see lackluster results in their health & fitness goals.
Tips 7 – Buy a pair of good comfortable sneakers when starting out with cardio workouts because this will help you avoid any knee or ankle related injuries.
Tips 8 – Wear supportive sports bras during workouts for women who have been blessed with large breasts since extra weight from such body parts can cause back pain and affect your posture.
It takes 6-8 weeks to see noticeable results if you are looking for ways on how to get rid of hip dips fast naturally. Furthermore, some types of exercises will test your patience because they take months before you can notice any shape or tone changes in that particular area.
If you still think there isn’t enough time in the day then focus on quick fixes like losing weight, eating healthy/clean food and getting sufficient rest.
If this doesn’t work then try adding new forms of workouts, cardio sessions or strength training programmes into your weekly fitness routine until you experience visible results!
Simple Hip Dip Workout Plan
Here is a simple workout plan that you can follow to get rid of hip dips. This workout will help you strengthen your muscles and improve your body posture.
And as our first purpose, this workout plan will help you on the way to figure out how to get rid of hip dips in a week.
All of thoses are the best exercises to get rid of hip dips that you could easily do at home everyday for the best results.
1. Hip Bridges (3 sets of 15 reps)
Hip bridges are the first exercise that you need to do on a daily basis for at least 3 days straight. To perform this exercise, lie down flat on your back with arms by the side of your body.
Bend both the knees and raise one leg up in the air. Now lift your hips off the ground as high as you can while squeezing your glutes (buttocks) tightly to make sure they are contracted throughout the whole set.
Hold yourself up in this position for 5 seconds before lowering yourself slowly back to the ground. Repeat the entire process with your other leg as well.
2. Pike Presses (4 sets of 20 reps)
Pike presses are a great exercise to develop muscle strength. Lie down flat on your back and bend both the knees such that they form a 90-degree angle and the toes are pointing towards the ceiling.
Now raise one leg up in the air and then slowly lower yourself until you reach a point where your head, hips, and heels are lined up together in a straight line (like an upside-down V).
Hold this position for 5 seconds before coming back to starting position.
Repeat the same procedure with the other leg as well to complete 1 full set of pike presses
Do 4 such sets every day.
3. Side Lying Clamshells (4 sets of 20 reps on each side)
Side lying clamshells are a great exercise for strengthening your hip muscles as well as developing strong, sexy thighs.
To perform this exercise, lie down on your side with the upper body facing up and legs stacked on top of each other. Bend one knee such that the shin is perpendicular to the ground while keeping the heels together.
Now separate your legs sideways as wide as possible without allowing the lower back to come off from the floor and hold it in that position for 5 seconds before bringing them back together again.
Repeat this process with the other leg as well to complete 1 full set of side lying clamshells
Do 4 such sets daily.
On the way to find out how to get rid of hip dips in a week, this side lying clamshells is one of my best exercise to fix hip dips.
4. Reverse Lying Hip Extensions (3 sets of 20 reps)
Reverse lying hip extensions are a great exercise to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings. To perform this exercise, lie down on your back with the knees bent and hands placed by the side of your body.
Now raise one leg up in the air at a 90-degree angle before bringing it down slowly behind you so that it rests flat on the floor without ever touching the ground.
Hold this position for 5 seconds before performing the same process with the other leg as well to complete 1 full set of reverse lying hip extensions
Do 3 such sets every day.
5. Wall Squats (6 sets of 1 minute)
Wall squats are an excellent exercise as they not only strengthen your hip muscles but also improve your balance.
To perform this exercise, stand in front of a wall with the back towards it and the feet placed apart at shoulder width.
Now simply bend your knees and lower yourself down against the wall without allowing your heels to come off from the ground until you achieve maximum contraction in your glutes (buttocks).
Hold this position for 1 minute before coming back to starting position
Do 6 such sets every day.
6. Lying Down Leg Raises (4 sets of 40 reps)
Lying down leg raises are an excellent exercise that will help you strengthen both your hip muscles as well as hamstrings. Lie flat on the ground with arms by the side of your body before bending one knee and taking it towards your chest.
Now gently raise the leg up in the air until it is parallel to the ground before bringing it down slowly again without touching the floor at all.
Once you’ve lowered yourself back to starting position, repeat this process with your other leg as well.
Do 4 such sets every day.
7. Single-leg Hip Raises (4 sets of 20 reps on each side)
Single-leg hip raises are fantastic exercises for strengthening both your hip muscles as well as hamstrings. Lie flat on your back with arms by the side of your body and knees bent slightly so that they don’t press into the ground too much throughout the exercise.
Raise one leg up into the air while keeping its knee bent before straightening it out completely. Now lower your leg back down towards the ground again before bringing it back up for one final rep to complete 1 full set of single-leg hip raises.
Do 4 such sets on both sides.
8. Bent Knee Leg Raise (4 sets of 40 reps)
Bent knee leg raises are an excellent way to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings. Lie flat on your back with arms by the side of your body before raising both legs in the air until they are bent at a 90-degree angle.
Now simply straighten your legs so that they are completely vertical in the air while allowing them to touch each other without actually pressing into each other throughout the exercise.
Once you’ve yourself back to starting position, repeat the process once again to complete 1 full set of bent knee leg raises
Do 4 sets every day.
9. Side Plank (2 sets of 1 minute on each side)
Side planks are one of the best exercises for strengthening your obliques while also improving your balance and stability. Lie down on your side with your elbow kept under your shoulder so that it is directly beneath it.
Now prop yourself up in this position before resting both legs against each other in mid air.
Hold this position for 1 minute before slowly getting back to starting position by lying flat on the floor again
Do 2 such sets every day, alternating between sides.
FAQs related to how to get rid of hip dips in a week
How long does it take to fix hip dips?
It is impossible to say how long it will take to fix hip dips because the time frame varies from person to person. For some individuals, they get results within weeks of following a regimen of exercises and diet changes while for others, it may take months depending on the severity of your condition.
With 18 best exercises and a free workout plan above on how to get rid of hip dips in a week, I am sure you will fix your hip dips in within 1 – 4 weeks.
How can I fix my hips boney?
The cause of such protruding bones caused by lack of fat or muscle tissue in that area is due to a combination of genetics and poor posture.
There are several methods you could use including consuming high-quality supplements such as collagen powder which provides amino acids required for healthy skin, hair, muscles and bones.
How do you get rid of hip dips without working out?
You may be able to change the appearance of your hip dips by decreasing your body fat percentage through dieting and adding muscle by strength training.
Is it possible to fix hip dips?
Yes, you can get rid of hip dips with the right exercises, nutrition and strategies such as yoga poses, strengthening muscles and other natural remedies.
Are hip dips good or bad?
Hip dips are not a condition or disease and have nothing to do with being ill. It is simply the lack of fat tissue or muscle in hips area causing your hip bones to be more prominent than usual.
Can you get rid of hip dips if you don’t lose weight?
No, losing body fat is vital in fixing your hip dips. Your thighs build up excess fatty tissues that cause them to sag downwards forming the appearance of having an indentation on your hips.
What is the best hip dip exercise?
There are several exercises that you can do to improve the appearance of your hip dips including squats, back leg raises and side lying clams.
Will my hip dips go away if I lose weight?
Yes, losing excess body fat will fill out your hips area giving more volume to your overall shape. This not only improves your appearance but also enhances some aspects of your life such as confidence and physical fitness.
What is the difference between gluteal folds and hip dips?
Hip dips have nothing to do with butt or gluteal muscles whereas glutenal folds occur on the outer side of your hips where your gluteus maximus is located.
Can body Sculpting get rid of hip dips?
Body sculpting procedures such as liposuction or butt implants can give you a slimmer waistline making it seem like there are no hip dips. However, the procedure has long-term effects including an increased risk of infection and scar tissue that could weaken your muscles.
Final Words On How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips In A Week
There are several methods you could use to fix hip dips including exercises, natural remedies and surgery. I hope the article has given you quality information on how to get rid of hip dips in a week.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and we will try our best to answer your question(s). Thank You!
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